Hall Leadership

Meet your 3rd Bryan Leadership Team!

It really is a team effort to make sure residents are safe and have an enjoyable time at NCSSM. Hall leadership is comprised of one adult leader, a community coordinator (CC). The role of the CC is to act in loco parentis, or as an adult who is responsible for a child in place of their parent. Since students will be away from home, it's important that they have a steady adult figure to be able to support them during that time! Even though with CoVID-19, there will be half of our community joining us virtually, I am still going to serve as a supportive member the support team of every 3rd Bryan resident. I am here to serve as a listening ear, a sounding board, a confidant, and an advocate/ally for my students on hall. The other three members of our hall leadership team are RLA's, or Residential Life Assistants. These are student-leaders who have undergone an intense application/interview and training process to be supportive for their peers on hall. They are responsible for taking check, facilitating programs, peer mediation, and sometimes peer counseling. Due to CoVID-19, we will have one on-hall RLA and two virtual RLAs. They are all wonderful leaders for 3rd Bryan and are super excited for the cultivation of our hall community and to help make your acclimation to NCSSM easier!

Tsharre Sanders | CC/REI

Hiya! I am Tsharre (tuh-SHAH-ree) Sanders (she/they), your Community Coordinator (CC) for 3rd Bryan. I am also a Residential Education Instructor (REI). What this means is that I am the adult responsible for oversight of hall life and I also teach Cornerstone, Exploring Multicultural America and Excellence in Leadership through our Residential Education program at NCSSM. This is my third year serving as a CC for this hall and I am elated for the community we will build together and the ways we will grow and learn throughout the year. I grew up in Johnston County, North Carolina. I was born and raised in Selma, NC and I graduated from high school in Clayton, NC. I earned my Bachelor of Arts in Psychology with minors in Africana Studies and Spanish from NC State University in Raleigh, NC in the Spring of 2016! I was an Admissions Counselor for my alma mater for two years before I joined the team here at NCSSM. I am so excited to be able to help you all get acclimated to the school this year and I am excited to meet and greet you this coming weekend. You can contact me via email at tsharre.sanders@ncssm.edu or via phone at 919.416.2810 should you need anything throughout the school year. You can expect a response from me in 24 hours unless otherwise noted.

Madelyne Street |RLA

Hi, I’m Madelyne Street! I am from a small town in the mountains called Boone. Some of my hobbies include dancing (I will be captain of three dance clubs), writing for the Stentorian, and learning about biology. I love to be involved in clubs and school activities, especially dragging hallmates and friends along with me. I am so excited to be one of the RLAs on 3rd Bryan. I can’t wait to meet everyone!

Faith Koesters |RLA

Hi all! My name is Faith Koesters and I’m from Greenville, North Carolina. I enjoy swimming, (I’ll be on the swim team again next year!), baking, and hanging out with friends. I love to laugh and make others laugh, so if I make someone smile, I’ve done my job! I am a huge dog lover, and have 2 of my own, so you can catch me with the therapy dogs on Monday evening almost every week. I can seem a little shy and reserved at first, but I love to make new friends and come out of my shell pretty quickly. I am beyond excited to be a senior at NCSSM this year, and I especially can’t wait to be an RLA on 3rd Bryan!

Brittany Harrelson | RLA

Hey! I am Brittany Faith Harrelson, but most of my friends call me Brit! I am from Cherokee county which is the farthest west county in NC, about 6 hours from campus. I am a very active person, you can normally catch me in the gym where I spend a lot of my time as I am a captain of the basketball and softball teams. I love a lot of things but mostly God and my 5 cats! The thing I am looking forward to most is being an RLA on 3rd Bryan!